AboutWhat are the Meteoriks?

The Meteoriks are an open and inclusive award to honor demoscene productions of 2023. In several categories, we recognize the best of the best of the previous year.

The CategoriesThere's something for everybody

Over the first years of the Meteoriks, we had asked all you sceners what types of awards you'd like to see in a "best of the past year" type awards event, and you have responded! We received loads of creative suggestions over the years, and we tried to condense them into a set of not too many award categories that encompass as many of your ideas as possible.

We have decided on our categories for 2024 by now - read all about them on the Categories page.

The juryNominating and picking laureates

Each of the categories had a separate jury consisting of three or more jurors who are experts in their field. Out of all eligible productions for each category, the individual juries selected a list of nominations to be published prior to the award ceremony. Out of these nominations, we picked a laureate and possible honorable mentions.

Since the awards ceremony is now over, you can review the list of jurors on the Team page.

The nomination revealMountainBytes 2024 - Cham, Switzerland

This year we had not one but two gala shows! At MountainBytes 2024 in late February we revealed this year's nominees to the world live on stage!

The award ceremonyRevision 2024 - Saarbrücken, Germany

The laureates in all the categories were presented to the public during an award ceremony at the Revision demoparty at Easter 2024. The entire awards show will also be released on YouTube afterwards.